It's been awhile since my last post and today's post has absolutely nothing to do with
dishes or doodads. When I started this blog I thought writing once or twice a week would be no problem but then life decided otherwise. My blogging detour started with the remodeling of the living room. I'm being generous calling it remodeling since we did not buy new furniture. Fresh paint, new carpet and curtains, furniture moved from other rooms and a fresh popcorn ceiling. If you've ever had the pleasure of buying a home that had popcorn on the ceiling and you decided to get rid of it, you know it's not all that easy. After much to-do trying to rid ourselves of this ghastly treatment without re-sheet rocking, we decided it was best to keep it. I won't bother you with the steps we took to rid ourselves of this bumpy stuff but each was time consuming, messy and intensive hard labor and none of it would have resulted in the totally smooth fresh sheetrock that I craved. Bottom line, if you're thinking about adding popcorn make sure it's something you'll be able to live with for a long time.

Next came the warm weather and with it came all of the raking, trimming, cleaning, composting (who's idea was that!), planting, watering and mowing otherwise known as yard work. I can safely say that Upstate New York was thrilled to have spring arrive so early but our time schedule was not at all ready. We had much more online work to get done before the warm weather duties took over. No worries there, the warm weather was not going to stay, winter would be back. Wrong! Things started blooming early and more online time was taken away. Now we are shoulder deep in black raspberry picking. They are a full month early this year.
In 3 weeks the Saratoga Race Course 2010 meet will start. No, we are not big gamblers but as the owners of a
small motel, we do look forward to the season. While most refer to this time of year as racing season, here at home we call it doughnut season. For 6 weeks we have fresh doughnuts daily. Yummy of course but very bad for our waistlines. It will be nice to see those regulars and catch up on events from the year gone by and of course we look forward to meeting new people too. So, if you're coming to
Saratoga for horse racing or a concert at
SPAC and would like a CLEAN, moderately priced place to lay your head at night, please check the
McGregor Inn Motel.
What's keeping you busy this summer?


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